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第二步:修改db_mysqli.class.php 文件如下,路径:网站根目录/twcms/kongphp/db/。 <?php defined('KONG_PATH') || exit; class db_mysqli implements db_interface { private $conf; public $tablepre; // 数据表前缀 //private $wlink; // 写(主)数据库 //private $rlink; // 读(从)数据库 //private $xlink; // 分发数据库 public function __construct(&$conf) { $this->conf = &$conf; $this->tablepre = $conf['master']['tablepre']; } /** * 创建 MySQL 连接 * @param string $var 数据库链接名 只能是 wlink rlink xlink * @return resource */ public function __get($var) { // 主数据库 (写) if($var == 'wlink') { $cfg = $this->conf['master']; empty($cfg['engine']) && $cfg['engine'] = ''; $this->wlink = $this->connect($cfg['host'], $cfg['user'], $cfg['password'], $cfg['name'], $cfg['charset'], $cfg['engine']); return $this->wlink; // 从数据库群 (读) }elseif($var == 'rlink') { if(empty($this->conf['slaves'])) { $this->rlink = $this->wlink; return $this->rlink; } $n = rand(0, count($this->conf['slaves']) - 1); $cfg = $this->conf['slaves'][$n]; empty($cfg['engine']) && $cfg['engine'] = ''; $this->rlink = $this->connect($cfg['host'], $cfg['user'], $cfg['password'], $cfg['name'], $cfg['charset'], $cfg['engine']); return $this->rlink; // 单点分发数据库 (负责所有表的 maxid count 读写) }elseif($var == 'xlink') { if(empty($this->conf['arbiter'])) { $this->xlink = $this->wlink; return $this->xlink; } $cfg = $this->conf['arbiter']; empty($cfg['engine']) && $cfg['engine'] = ''; $this->xlink = $this->connect($cfg['host'], $cfg['user'], $cfg['password'], $cfg['name'], $cfg['charset'], $cfg['engine']); return $this->xlink; } } /** * 读取一条数据 * @param string $key 键名 (高性能需求,键名必须使用索引字段) * @return array */ // string // in: 'user-uid-2' // out: array('uid'=>2, 'username'=>'two') public function get($key) { list($table, $keyarr, $keystr) = $this->key2arr($key); $query = $this->query("SELECT * FROM {$this->tablepre}$table WHERE $keystr LIMIT 1", $this->rlink); return mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); } /** * 读取多条数据 * @param array $keys 键名数组 (高性能需求,键名必须使用索引字段) * @return array */ // array // in: array( // 'article-cid-1-aid-1', // 'article-cid-1-aid-2', // ) // out: array( // 'article-cid-1-aid-1'=>array('cid'=>1,'cid'=>1, 'title'=>'abc') // 'article-cid-1-aid-2'=>array('cid'=>1,'cid'=>2, 'title'=>'bcd') // ) public function multi_get($keys) { // 下面这种方式读取比遍历读取效率高 $sql = ''; $ret = array(); foreach($keys as $k) { $ret[$k] = array(); // 按原来的顺序赋值,避免后面的 OR 条件取出时顺序混乱 list($table, $keyarr, $keystr) = $this->key2arr($k); $sql .= "$keystr OR "; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, -4); if($sql) { $query = $this->query("SELECT * FROM {$this->tablepre}$table WHERE $sql", $this->rlink); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $keyname = $table; foreach($keyarr as $k=>$v) { $keyname .= "-$k-".$row[$k]; } $ret[$keyname] = $row; } } return $ret; } /** * 写入一条数据 (包含了 insert 和 update) * @param string $key 键名 * @param array $data 数据 * @return bool */ public function set($key, $data) { if(!is_array($data)) return FALSE; list($table, $keyarr) = $this->key2arr($key); $data += $keyarr; $s = $this->arr2sql($data); $exists = $this->get($key); if(empty($exists)) { return $this->query("INSERT INTO {$this->tablepre}$table SET $s", $this->wlink); } else { return $this->update($key, $data); } } /** * 更新一条数据 (相比 $this->set() 可以修改主键) * @param string $key 键名 * @param array $data 数据 * @return bool */ public function update($key, $data) { list($table, $keyarr, $keystr) = $this->key2arr($key); $s = $this->arr2sql($data); return $this->query("UPDATE {$this->tablepre}$table SET $s WHERE $keystr LIMIT 1", $this->wlink); } /** * 删除一条数据 * @param string $key 键名 * @return bool */ public function delete($key) { list($table, $keyarr, $keystr) = $this->key2arr($key); return $this->query("DELETE FROM {$this->tablepre}$table WHERE $keystr LIMIT 1", $this->wlink); } /** * 读取/设置 表最大ID * @param string $key 键名 只能是表名+一个字段 如:'user-uid'(uid为自增字段) * @param boot/int $val 设置值 有三种情况 1.不填为读取(默认) 2.基础上增加 如:'+1' 3.设置指定值 * @return int */ // maxid('user-uid') 读取 user 表最大 uid // maxid('user-uid', '+1') 设置 maxid + 1, 用于占位,保证 key 不会重复 // maxid('user-uid', 10000) 设置 maxid 为 10000 public function maxid($key, $val = FALSE) { list($table, $col) = explode('-', $key); $maxid = $this->table_maxid($key); if($val === FALSE) { return $maxid; }elseif(is_string($val)) { $val = max(0, $maxid + intval($val)); } $this->query("UPDATE {$this->tablepre}framework_maxid SET maxid='$val' WHERE name='$table' LIMIT 1", $this->xlink); return $val; } /** * 读取表最大ID (如果不存在自动创建表和设置最大ID) * @param string $key 键名 只能是表名+一个字段 如:'user-uid'(uid一般为主键) * @return int */ public function table_maxid($key) { list($table, $col) = explode('-', $key); $maxid = FALSE; $query = $this->query("SELECT maxid FROM {$this->tablepre}framework_maxid WHERE name='$table' LIMIT 1", $this->xlink, FALSE); if($query) { $maxid = $this->result($query, 0); }elseif(mysqli_errno($this->xlink) == 1146) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE `{$this->tablepre}framework_maxid` ("; $sql .= "`name` char(32) NOT NULL default '',"; $sql .= "`maxid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',"; $sql .= "PRIMARY KEY (`name`)"; $sql .= ") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci"; $this->query($sql, $this->xlink); }else{ throw new Exception('framework_maxid error, mysql_error:'.mysqli_error($this->xlink)); } if($maxid === FALSE) { $query = $this->query("SELECT MAX($col) FROM {$this->tablepre}$table", $this->wlink); $maxid = $this->result($query, 0); $this->query("INSERT INTO {$this->tablepre}framework_maxid SET name='$table', maxid='$maxid'", $this->xlink); } return $maxid; } /** * 读取/设置 表的总行数 * @param string $table 表名 * @param boot/int $val 设置值 有四种情况 1.不填为读取(默认) 2.基础上增加 如:'+1' 3.基础上减少 如:'-1' 4.设置指定值 * @return int */ public function count($table, $val = FALSE) { $count = $this->table_count($table); if($val === FALSE) { return $count; }elseif(is_string($val)) { if($val[0] == '+') { $val = $count + intval($val); }elseif($val[0] == '-') { $val = max(0, $count + intval($val)); } } $this->query("UPDATE {$this->tablepre}framework_count SET count='$val' WHERE name='$table' LIMIT 1", $this->xlink); return $val; } /** * 读取表的总行数 (如果不存在自动创建表和设置总行数) * @param string $table 表名 * @return int */ public function table_count($table) { $count = FALSE; $query = $this->query("SELECT count FROM {$this->tablepre}framework_count WHERE name='$table' LIMIT 1", $this->xlink, FALSE); if($query) { $count = $this->result($query, 0); }elseif(mysqli_errno($this->xlink) == 1146) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE {$this->tablepre}framework_count ("; $sql .= "`name` char(32) NOT NULL default '',"; $sql .= "`count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',"; $sql .= "PRIMARY KEY (`name`)"; $sql .= ") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci"; $this->query($sql, $this->xlink); }else{ throw new Exception('framework_cout error, mysql_error:'.mysqli_error($this->xlink)); } if($count === FALSE) { $query = $this->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$this->tablepre}$table", $this->wlink); $count = $this->result($query, 0); $this->query("INSERT INTO {$this->tablepre}framework_count SET name='$table', count='$count'", $this->xlink); } return $count; } /** * 清空表 * @param string $table 表名 (表不存在会报错,但无关紧要) * @return int */ public function truncate($table) { try { $this->query("TRUNCATE {$this->tablepre}$table"); return TRUE; } catch(Exception $e) { return FALSE; } } /** * 根据条件读取数据 (返回数组) * @param string $table 表名 * @param array $pri 主键 * @param array $where 条件 * @param array $order 排序 * @param int $start 开始位置 * @param int $limit 读取几条 * @return array */ // in: // find_fetch('user', 'uid', array('uid'=> 100), array('uid'=>1), 0, 10); // find_fetch('user', 'uid', array('uid'=> array('>'=>'100', '<'=>'200')), array('uid'=>1), 0, 10); // find_fetch('user', 'uid', array('username'=> array('LIKE'=>'abc'), array('uid'=>1), 0, 10); // out: // array( // 'user-uid-1'=>array('uid'=>1, 'username'=>'zhangsan'), // 'user-uid-2'=>array('uid'=>2, 'username'=>'lisi'), // 'user-uid-3'=>array('uid'=>3, 'username'=>'wangwu'), // ) public function find_fetch($table, $pri, $where = array(), $order = array(), $start = 0, $limit = 0) { $key_arr = $this->find_fetch_key($table, $pri, $where, $order, $start, $limit); if(empty($key_arr)) return array(); return $this->multi_get($key_arr); } /** * 根据条件返回 key 数组 * @param string $table 表名 * @param array $pri 主键 * @param array $where 条件 * @param array $order 排序 * @param int $start 开始位置 * @param int $limit 读取几条 * @return array */ // out: // array ( // 'user-uid-1', // 'user-uid-2', // 'user-uid-3', // ) public function find_fetch_key($table, $pri, $where = array(), $order = array(), $start = 0, $limit = 0) { $pris = implode(',', $pri); $s = "SELECT $pris FROM {$this->tablepre}$table"; $s .= $this->arr2where($where); if(!empty($order)) { $s .= ' ORDER BY '; $comma = ''; foreach($order as $k=>$v) { $s .= $comma."$k ".($v == 1 ? ' ASC ' : ' DESC '); $comma = ','; } } $s .= ($limit ? " LIMIT $start,$limit" : ''); $ret = array(); $query = $this->query($s, $this->rlink); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $keystr = ''; foreach($pri as $k) { $keystr .= "-$k-".$row[$k]; } $ret[] = $table.$keystr; } return $ret; } /** * 根据条件批量更新数据 * @param string $table 表名 * @param array $where 条件 * @param array $lowprority 是否开启不锁定表 * @return int 返回影响的记录行数 */ public function find_update($table, $where, $data, $lowprority = FALSE) { $where = $this->arr2where($where); $data = $this->arr2sql($data); $lpy = $lowprority ? 'LOW_PRIORITY' : ''; $this->query("UPDATE $lpy {$this->tablepre}$table SET $data $where", $this->wlink); return mysqli_affected_rows($this->wlink); } /** * 根据条件批量删除数据 * @param string $table 表名 * @param array $where 条件 * @param array $lowprority 是否开启不锁定表 * @return int 返回影响的记录行数 */ public function find_delete($table, $where, $lowprority = FALSE) { $where = $this->arr2where($where); $lpy = $lowprority ? 'LOW_PRIORITY' : ''; $this->query("DELETE $lpy FROM {$this->tablepre}$table $where", $this->wlink); return mysqli_affected_rows($this->wlink); } /** * 准确获取最大ID * @param string $key 键名 * @return int */ public function find_maxid($key) { list($table, $maxid) = explode('-', $key); $arr = $this->fetch_first("SELECT MAX($maxid) AS num FROM {$this->tablepre}$table"); return isset($arr['num']) ? intval($arr['num']) : 0; } /** * 准确获取总条数 * @param string $table 表名 * @param array $where 条件 * @return int */ public function find_count($table, $where = array()) { $where = $this->arr2where($where); $arr = $this->fetch_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$this->tablepre}$table $where"); return isset($arr['num']) ? intval($arr['num']) : 0; } /** * 创建索引 * @param string $table 表名 * @param array $index 键名数组 // array('uid'=>1, 'dateline'=>-1, 'unique'=>TRUE, 'dropDups'=>TRUE) 为了配合 mongodb 的索引才这样设计的 * @return boot */ public function index_create($table, $index) { $keys = implode(',', array_keys($index)); $keyname = implode('_', array_keys($index)); return $this->query("ALTER TABLE {$this->tablepre}$table ADD INDEX $keyname($keys)", $this->wlink); } /** * 删除索引 * @param string $table 表名 * @param array $index 键名数组 * @return boot */ public function index_drop($table, $index) { $keys = implode(',', array_keys($index)); $keyname = implode('_', array_keys($index)); return $this->query("ALTER TABLE {$this->tablepre}$table DROP INDEX $keyname", $this->wlink); } // +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // | 以下是公共方法,但不推荐外部使用 // +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * 连接 MySQL 服务器 * @param string $host 主机 * @param string $user 用户名 * @param string $pass 密码 * @param string $name 数据库名称 * @param string $charset 字符集 * @param string $engine 数据库引擎 * @return resource */ public function connect($host, $user, $pass, $name, $charset = 'utf8', $engine = '') { $link = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass,$name); if(!$link) { throw new Exception(mysqli_error($link)); } $result = mysqli_select_db($link,$name); if(!$result) { throw new Exception(mysqli_error($link)); } if(!empty($engine) && $engine == 'InnoDB') { $this->query("SET innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=no", $link); } // 不考虑 mysql 5.0.1 下以版本 $this->query("SET character_set_connection=$charset, character_set_results=$charset, character_set_client=binary, sql_mode=''", $link); //$this->query("SET names utf8, sql_mode=''", $link); return $link; } /** * 发送一条 MySQL 查询 * @param string $sql SQL 语句 * @param string $link 打开的连接 * @param boot $isthrow 错误时是否抛 * @return resource */ public function query($sql, $link = NULL, $isthrow = TRUE) { empty($link) && $link = $this->wlink; if(defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG && isset($_ENV['_sqls']) && count($_ENV['_sqls']) < 1000) { $start = microtime(1); $result = mysqli_query( $link,$sql); $runtime = number_format(microtime(1) - $start, 4); // explain 分析 select 语句 $explain_str = ''; if(substr($sql, 0, 6) == 'SELECT') { $query = mysqli_query($link,"explain $sql"); if($query !== FALSE) { $explain_arr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); //print_r($explain_arr); $explain_str = ' <font color="blue">[explain type: '.$explain_arr['type'].' | rows: '.$explain_arr['rows'].']</font>'; } } $_ENV['_sqls'][] = ' <font color="red">[time:'.$runtime.'s]</font> '.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($sql)).$explain_str; }else{ $result = mysqli_query($link,$sql); } if(!$result && $isthrow) { $s = 'MySQL Query Error: <b>'.$sql.'</b>. '.mysqli_error($link); if(defined('DEBUG') && !DEBUG) $s = str_replace($this->tablepre, '***', $s); // 防止泄露敏感信息 throw new Exception($s); } $_ENV['_sqlnum']++; return $result; } /** * 获取第一条数据 * @param string $sql SQL 语句 * @param string $link 打开的连接 * @return array */ public function fetch_first($sql, $link = NULL) { empty($link) && $link = $this->rlink; $query = $this->query($sql, $link); return mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); } /** * 获取多条数据 (特殊情况会用到) * @param string $sql SQL 语句 * @param string $link 打开的连接 * @return array */ public function fetch_all($sql, $link = NULL) { empty($link) && $link = $this->rlink; $query = $this->query($sql, $link); $ret = array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $ret[] = $row; } return $ret; } /** * 获取结果数据 * @param resource $query 查询结果集 * @param int $row 第几列 * @return int */ public function result($query, $row) { //~ return mysqli_num_rows($query) ? intval(mysqli_data_seek($query, $row)) : FALSE; if (!mysqli_num_rows($query)) return FALSE; mysqli_data_seek($query, $row); $rowdata = mysqli_fetch_row($query); return $rowdata[$row]; } /** * 获取 mysql 版本 * @return string */ public function version() { return mysqli_get_server_info($this->rlink); } /** * 关闭读写数据库连接 */ public function __destruct() { if(!empty($this->wlink)) { mysqli_close($this->wlink); } if(!empty($this->rlink) && !empty($this->wlink) && $this->rlink != $this->wlink) { mysqli_close($this->rlink); } } /** * 将数组转换为 where 语句 * @param array $arr 数组 * @return string * in: array('id'=> array('>'=>'10', '<'=>'200')) * out: WHERE id>'10' AND id<'200' * 支持: '>=', '<=', '>', '<', 'LIKE', 'IN' (尽量少用,能不用则不用。'LIKE' 会导致全表扫描,大数据时不要使用) * 注意1: 为考虑多种数据库兼容和性能问题,其他表达式不要使用,如:!= 会导致全表扫描 * 注意2: 高性能准则要让SQL走索引,保证查询至少达到range级别 */ private function arr2where($arr) { $s = ''; if(!empty($arr)) { foreach($arr as $key=>$val) { if(is_array($val)) { foreach($val as $k=>$v) { if(is_array($v)) { if($k === 'IN' && $v) { foreach($v as $i) { $i = addslashes($i); $s .= "$key='$i' OR "; // 走索引时,OR 比 IN 快 } $s = substr($s, 0, -4).' AND '; } }else{ $v = addslashes($v); if($k === 'LIKE') { $s .= "$key LIKE '%$v%' AND "; }else{ $s .= "$key$k'$v' AND "; } } } }else{ $val = addslashes($val); $s .= "$key='$val' AND "; } } $s && $s = ' WHERE '.substr($s, 0, -5); } return $s; } /** * 将数组转换为SQL语句 * @param array $arr 数组 * @return string * in: array('cid'=>1, 'aid'=>2) * out: cid='1',aid='2' */ private function arr2sql($arr) { $s = ''; foreach($arr as $k=>$v) { $v = addslashes($v); $s .= "$k='$v',"; } return rtrim($s, ','); } /** * 将键名转换为数组 * @param string $key 键名 * @return array * in: article-cid-1-aid-2 * out: array('article', array('cid'=>1, 'aid'=>2), 'cid=1 AND aid=2') */ private function key2arr($key) { $arr = explode('-', $key); if(empty($arr[0])) { throw new Exception('table name is empty.'); } $table = $arr[0]; $keyarr = array(); $keystr = ''; $len = count($arr); for($i = 1; $i < $len; $i = $i + 2) { if(isset($arr[$i + 1])) { $v = $arr[$i + 1]; $keyarr[$arr[$i]] = is_numeric($v) ? intval($v) : $v; // 因为 mongodb 区分数字和字符串 $keystr .= ($keystr ? ' AND ' : '').$arr[$i]."='".addslashes($v)."'"; } else { $keyarr[$arr[$i]] = NULL; } } if(empty($keystr)) { throw new Exception('keystr name is empty.'); } return array($table, $keyarr, $keystr); } } ?> 第三步:修改网站的配置文件 mysqli ,/网站根目录/twcms/config/config.inc.php // 数据库配置,type 为默认的数据库类型,可以支持多种数据库: mysql|pdo_mysql|pdo_sqlite|postgresql|mongodb 'db' => array( 'type' => 'mysqli', // 主数据库 'master' => array( 'host' => 'localhost',
发帖时间:2021-11-14 |
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